modelling the non

Modeling the non-point source pollution risks by …

Modeling the non-point source pollution risks by combing pollutant sources, precipitation, and landscape structure. Research Article. Published: 28 February 2019. …

EconPapers: Modelling the impact of non‐tariff measures on …

Modelling the impact of non‐tariff measures on supply chains in ASEAN. Mike Webb, Anna Strutt, John Gibson and Terrie Walmsley () . The World Economy, 2020, vol. 43, issue 8, 2172-2198 . Abstract: This paper explores the impact of reducing non‐tariff measures (NTMs) in major ASEAN countries. New econometric estimates of the impact of different …

A New Modeling of the Non-Linear Inductances in MATLAB

In the second section, we remind of the actual modeling of the nonlinear inductances under MATLAB-SIMULINK code. Section III presents the new model based on a hybrid method of fitting the magnetizing curve B-H in order to derive analytic expressions of the nonlinear inductances. In the last one a conclusion. Advertisement. 2.

Modelling the Non-Linear Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic

A non-linear viscoelastic viscoplastic model is proposed for the tensilebehaviour of aramid fibres, based on an analysis of the deformationmechanisms of these materials. This model uses the macroscopicformulation developed by Schapery together with the plasticity conceptof Perzyna. A simple identification procedure for the model parametershas been …

Modelling the effects of carbon nanotube length non …

Using the proposed modelling methodology, different RVEs can be easily created by changing the wavy nanotube length distribution and waviness degree (θ max).As shown in Fig. 4, various RVEs containing different wavy CNTs were successfully generated by using the procedures described above.The generated CNTs are straight when θ max …

Modeling the non-CO2 contribution to climate change

In summary, non-CO 2 forcers are important drivers of climate warming and are not likely to diminish in importance in the future. Accurate modeling of their climate …

Modelling the population density of China at the pixel level …

Modelling the population density of China at the pixel level based on DMSP/OLS non‐radiance‐calibrated night‐time light images ... In this study we simulated China's population density in 1998 at 1 km×1 km resolution by integrating DMSP/OLS non‐radiance‐calibrated night‐time images, SPOT/VGT 10‐day maximum …

Modelling of the catalytic initiation of methane coupling under non

The experimentally observed interplay between catalytic activation of methane on Fe©SiO 2 and gas-phase free radical methane coupling under non-oxidative conditions is analyzed by mechanistic modeling as well as by experiments. For the modeling, an off-the shelf gas-phase model, AramcoMech 3.0, was used unaltered to …

Modeling non-linear ion transport phenomena in ion …

Fig. 2 depicts schematically of three models to reveal features of a CEM in different simplification condition. While the model in Fig. 2 a) simulate only the cathodic side of membrane the two models in Fig. 2 b) and c) include additionally the anodic side of membrane. To facilitate a direct comparison of the states and the behaviors of the three …

Modelling the non-linear effects of tourism …

Volume 20, July 2023, e01731. Modelling the non-linear effects of tourism development on emerging market economies using normal-power model. Olumide Metilelu a., Matthew …

Mathematics | Free Full-Text | Handling Non …

Unlike similar work from the literature, this paper proposes an improved piecewise linearization method to efficiently handle the non-linearities, models an MES …

Modeling the lane-changing behavior of non …

The study of the behavior characteristics of non-motorized illegal lane-changing on road segments, and establishing a microscopic simulation model can be …

Non-local modelling of multiphase flow wetting and thermo …

In this study, a novel non-local method is developed for modelling the multiphase fluid flow motion using the PDDO, and the thermal effect on surface tension force is considered. To describe the surface tension forces in the normal and tangential directions, the non-local form of the continuum surface force (CFS) model is presented.

Fracture statistics applied to modelling the non-linear stress …

A model is proposed for predicting the non-linear stress-strain relations and ultimate failure of microcomposite specimens as a function of interfacial characteristics. The description of the matrix cracking process and fiber failure is based on fracture statistics. The microcomposite specimen consists of a single fiber coated with concentric layers of …

Measuring and modelling the effects of systematic non …

2. Overview. We will begin by reviewing how various models include systematic non-adherence and introducing a new way of modelling treatment that allows the user to specify the level of systematic non-adherence in addition to the coverage (Section 3).Then we will consider the consequences of systematic non-adherence in MDA campaigns by …

A non-equilibrium approach to modelling the weathering of …

The proposed modelling approach is analogous to that used for the modelling of blowdown [18], [19], [20], where the heat influx into the vapour and liquid sections of the de-pressurising vessel is treated separately. The developed models accurately predicted the individual temperature evolution of the vapour and liquid phases …

Modeling of the non-linear mechanical and

3D Carbon/Carbon composites have an important use in space propulsion and atmospheric re-entry of space objects. We propose a modeling approach for its non-linear mechanical and thermomechanical behavior based on the introduction of internal interfaces, under the form of cohesive and sliding zones located between the macro …

Modelling the Non-linear fibre and matrix dominated …

The LP plasticity, previously developed by the authors, has been used to model the matrix dominated non-linear behaviour. Both modelling approaches have been coded in a FE solver and validated using coupon level quasi-static and high rate experimental results showing an excellent agreement. CRediT authorship contribution …

The Difference between Linear and Nonlinear Regression …

A nonlinear model is literally not linear. The added flexibility opens the door to a huge number of possible forms. Consequently, nonlinear regression can fit an …

Non Compartment Modelling

Non compartment modelling emerges as a mathematical technique that unveils the pharmacokinetics of drugs without tethering to compartmental boundaries within the body. While compartmental …

Introduction to Nonlinear Systems Modelling and …

Michael J. Grimble & Paweł Majecki. 818 Accesses. 2 Citations. Abstract. This chapter provides a very brief introduction to many areas in nonlinear systems theory …

Empirical, Numerical, and Soft Modelling Approaches for Non …

This paper reviews the modelling approaches and outstanding issues with regard to non-cohesive sediment transport which has been experimentally and numerically studied for many decades owing to its importance to hydraulic structures, morphology and related areas. About 311 papers are reviewed that included laboratory experiments, field …

Modelling and trading the gasoline crack spread: A non …

This paper investigates the gasoline crack spread time series, using the non-linear cointegration method developed by Enders and Granger (1998, 'Unit-root Tests and Asymmetric Adjustment with an Example Using The Term Structure of Interest Rates', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol. 19, pp. 166–176). The spread can be …

Modelling the introduction and spread of non‐native …

Biological invasions are a major driver of global change, for which models can attribute causes, assess impacts and guide management. However, invasion models typically focus on spread from known introduction points or non-native distributions and ignore the transport processes by which species arrive.

Modelling the impact of vaccine hesitancy in prolonging the …

Background: Vaccine hesitancy - a delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability - has the potential to threaten the successful roll-out of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines globally. In this study, we aim to understand the likely impact of vaccine hesitancy on the control of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: We modelled the potential …

Inverse Modeling: A Strategy to Cope with Non …

In this chapter, we show that the inverse modeling idea, originated from the Sliced Inverse Regression (SIR), can help us detect nonlinear relations effectively, and …

Modelling the impact of non‐tariff measures on …

This paper explores the impact of reducing non-tariff measures (NTMs) in major ASEAN countries. New econometric estimates of the impact of different types of …

Modelling the behaviour of a karst system catchment using non …

A two reservoir conceptual model with a hysteretic transfer function is proposed for hydrological modelling of karst catchments. The main features of the model are (i) a simple model for evapotranspiration based on potential rates, (ii) a non-linear, hysteretic discharge law accounting for the variations of connectivity in the soil/epikarst …

Modeling the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions …

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is the biggest public health challenge the world is facing in recent days. Since there is no effective vaccine and treatment for this virus, therefore, the only way to mitigate this infection is the implementation of non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social-distancing, community lockdown, quarantine, hospitalization or self …

Reduced order modelling of the non-linear stiffness in MEMS resonators

The linear and cubic stiffness terms in Eq. (10) are compared, after division by M, with the non-linear stiffness ϕ M β (p) of Eq. (9) generated using two different datasets. In the former case β uniformly sweeps the interval [− 1200: 1200] inducing a maximum midspan deflection of ± 9 μ m ; in the latter, representing an extended dataset, β sweeps …